Well, actually, it’s not a lovely day in the woods, but it’s pretty in a Halloween-type context. [hide]Edstrom[/hide] of [hide]Blackmist Brigade[/hide] on Darkmoon Faire (EU-A) took this intimidating glamor shot of his guild leader [hide]Wulfenbach[/hide] with his … uh, «mighty» axe [hide]Gorehowl[/hide]. Can’t they update these neat lore items from vanilla WoW and BC so they’re no longer laughable? Grom Hellscream deserves a better legacy and a better weapon.
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Filed under: [hide]Around Azeroth[/hide][hide]Around Azeroth: It’s lovely out in the woods today but safer to stay at home[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]