Officers’ Quarters: Patch 4.3 — An officer’s perspective

Every Monday, Scott Andrews contributes [hide]Officers’ Quarters[/hide], a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. He is the author of [hide]The Guild Leader’s Handbook[/hide], available now from [hide]No Starch Press[/hide].

[hide]Patch 4.3[/hide] is shaping up to be the most exciting and feature-filled of Cataclysm. Let’s take a look at which features might impact your guild and how you can take advantage of them.

I have located a raid

The [hide]Raid Finder[/hide] is not just for the guildless. Guilds can also take advantage of this new feature in several ways. The first and most obvious is that it will allow your raiders to get practice time on bosses for your own normal-mode raids. Since you don’t get locked to the instance using the finder, you can see the mechanics ahead of time and still raid with your guild in the same week.

If you have players who need to get up to speed, you can also use Raid Finder runs as a training ground. New players can learn the fights without wasting time and causing wipes in your normal runs. (Of course, we have yet to see how different finder mode and normal mode will be, but odds are the mechanics will be fairly similar.) Plus you can use the opportunity to address any issues that the player might be having with DPS rotations, awareness, etc.[hide]Continue reading Officers’ Quarters: Patch 4.3 — An officer’s perspective[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Officers’ Quarters (Guild Leadership)[/hide][hide]Officers’ Quarters: Patch 4.3 — An officer’s perspective[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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